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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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JIWA 7.2 uses REST API for its integration.

Refer to   JIWA website for more information.

Integration modules for JIWA 7.2

  1. Accounts Receivable Adjustment
  2. Accounts Receivable Master
  3. Accounts Receivable Receipt
  4. Accounts Receivable Sales Order
  5. Accounts Receivable Transaction
  6. General Ledger Journals
  7. General Ledger Master
  8. Tax Master

Steps to configure Jiwa 7.2 REST API

  1. Refer to  Jiwa's documentation on how to configure and host the REST API
  2. Import and enable "Link Technologies Jiwa Plugin". Follow these steps:
    1. Login to Jiwa 7 and goto "System Settings -> Plugins -> Plugin Maintenance"
    2. Import and enable plugin "IntegrationAPIJIWA7Plugin.xml". This file is located in folder "<Installed Directory>\Link Technologies\DBIntegrationScripts"
    3. Restart JIWA API hosted service.
  3. Create a Staff login for LinkSOFT API and assign an API Key. This user will be used by LinkSOFT integration.

Steps to configure integration to JIWA 7.2:

  1. Configure the following under "Jiwa7.2.API -> General Settings". These details are provided by your systems provider.
    1. Base URL - Base URL for Jiwa 7.2 API ending with a slash "/"
    2. Authorization - API Key. Get this value from "Staff Maintenance.API Keys"
  2. Enable the modules that is required for integration.